Eye in the Sky Meeting Record Sheet (March 2013)

                    Meeting Record Sheet (March 2013)

Today the group met up for the meeting where the purpose of the meeting was to discuss about the the completing and beginning new individual tasks within the pre-production process that we were responsible for.

Name of production:
Eye in the Sky  
Production Company:
Group members present:
SB and TC
Nothing to confirm

Budget                                                                                                           Storyboard
Funding Research log                                                                              Iconography
Shooting Script                                                                                   Filming equipment list
Floor Plans                                                                                                   Copyright and Clearance Documents

              Outcome of meeting/ Decisions/ Actions and Individual/ Group Targets
Discussions and Decisions
In our meeting we had a discussion about completing the budget and the storyboard we begun yesterday.
We also had discussions about beginning new individual tasks that we have aimed to complete by the end of today such as the shooting script, floor plans, funding research logs, iconography lists & designs and the filming equipment lists.
We also mentioned that paperwork should be completed within the company and practical work should be completed in our spare time.
Individual/ Group Actions
TC will complete the budget by the end of today’s session and will then make start on the funding research log and the copyright and clearance documents that he will aim to get completed by the end of today.
SB will make a start on the shooting scrip which he will aim to get completed by the end of today’s session and will then aim to complete the storyboard and make a start on the floor plans, filming equipment list and iconography list & design which he will aim to get completed by today.
Individual/ Group Targets
SB will complete the story board and make a start on the shooting script, floor plans, filming equipment list and iconography list & design.
TC will complete the budget and make a start on the funding research log and the copyright and clearance documents.

Name of production:
Eye in the Sky 
Production Company:
Group members present:
SB and TC
Nothing to confirm

                                                                    Agenda                                             A.O.B Call Sheet

Budget                                                                                                           Storyboard

Funding Research log                                                                              Iconography

Shooting Script                                                                                   Filming equipment list

Floor Plans                                                                                                   Copyright and Clearance Documents

              Outcome of meeting/ Decisions/ Actions and Individual/ Group Targets

Discussions and Decisions

In our meeting we had a discussion about completing the budget and the storyboard we begun yesterday.

We also had discussions about beginning new individual tasks that we have aimed to complete by the end of today such as the shooting script, floor plans, funding research logs, iconography lists & designs and the filming equipment lists.

We also mentioned that paperwork should be completed within the company and practical work should be completed in our spare time.

Individual/ Group Actions

TC will complete the budget by the end of today’s session and will then make start on the funding research log and the copyright and clearance documents that he will aim to get completed by the end of today.

SB will make a start on the shooting scrip which he will aim to get completed by the end of today’s session and will then aim to complete the storyboard and make a start on the floor plans, filming equipment list and iconography list & design which he will aim to get completed by today.

Individual/ Group Targets

SB will complete the story board and make a start on the shooting script, floor plans, filming equipment list and iconography list & design.

TJ will complete the budget and make a start on the funding research log and the copyright and clearance documents.

Name of production:
Eye in the Sky 
Production Company:
Group members present:
SB and TC
Nothing to confirm

                                                    Agenda                                      A.O.B Call Sheet

Copyright and Clearance Documents

Floor Plans                                                                                                  

Iconography design

Risk Assessment

              Outcome of meeting/ Decisions/ Actions and Individual/ Group Targets

Discussions and Decisions

In our meeting we had a discussion about starting the copyright and clearance documents and the floor plans for the pre-production of the crime drama.

We also discussed that paperwork should be completed within the company and practical work should be completed in our spare time.

Individual/ Group Actions

TC will begin working on the clearance and documents today.

SB will begin working on the floor plans in today’s sessions and complete the iconography design in his spare time.

 Individual/ Group Targets

SB will begin work on the floor plans and complete the iconography design by tomorrow.

TJ will begin work on the copyright and clearance documents by tonight and begin work on the risk assessment.

Name of production:
Eye in the Sky 
Production Company:
Group members present:
SB and TC
Nothing to confirm

                                          Agenda                                                       A.O.B Call Sheet
Contributor release forms                                                                          Floor plans
Risk assessment                                                                                                 Storyboard

Clearance and copyright documents                                                          Call sheets

              Outcome of meeting/ Decisions/ Actions and Individual/ Group Targets

Discussions and Decisions

In our meeting we had a discussion about working on the contributor/ actor release forms, risk assessment sheet, clearance documents and the floor plans which were still working on and have made an aim to complete in during the two hour session and during our own time.
Individual/ Group Actions

TC will complete and improve the clearance and copyright documents and the risk assessment and will do the same for the risk assessment that he started last session. In his spare time we will begin to work on the contributor/ actor release forms which we will aim to complete by next session.

SB will improve the storyboard of the crime drama and has made plans to begin the floor plans and call sheets in his own time outside the session.

 Individual/ Group Targets

SB will simply improve and complete the storyboard by the end of today and will begin to make a start on the call sheets and floor plans.

TC will simply complete and improve the clearance and copyright documents and the risk assessment by the end of today and will begin to work on the contributor/ actor release forms.


Name of production:
Eye in the Sky 
Production Company:
Group members present:

                                          Agenda                                                       A.O.B Call Sheet
Completing all pre- production documents by the deadline

              Outcome of meeting/ Decisions/ Actions and Individual/ Group Targets

Discussions and Decisions

Due to the absence of one of the group members it was my decision to complete what is left of the pre-production documents where I have begun to work on the iconography lists and the materials, facilities & crew documents and the contents page to conclude the assignment.
Individual/ Group Actions

SB will begin to complete the rest of the iconography lists and will then begin to work on the materials, facilities & crew documents and the contents page which he will aim to complete by the end of today.

 Individual/ Group Targets

SB will simply complete the iconography lists and will then begin to work and complete the rest of the materials, facilities & crew documents and the contents page before the end of today.


Name of production:
Eye in the Sky 
Production Company:
Group members present:

                                          Agenda                                                       A.O.B Call Sheet
Completing, amending  and checking through all pre- production documents

              Outcome of meeting/ Decisions/ Actions and Individual/ Group Targets

Discussions and Decisions

Due to another apparent absence of one of the group members it was my decision to complete, improve and check through all of the pre-production documents that where produced by the group from the last two weeks.
Individual/ Group Actions

SB will begin to check through all pre-production documents, he will then improve the meeting records and the evaluation of the of the blog diary and will begin to make amendments to the location recce sheets, actor/contributor lists and the clearance and copyright documents.
 Individual/ Group Targets

SB will simply check through all pre-production documents produced by the group from the previous weeks. He will begin to make amendments to the meeting record sheets and the evaluation of the blogs. He will later begin to improve the location recce sheets, actor/contributor lists and the clearance and copyright documents in his own time by next session.


Name of production:
Eye in the Sky 
Production Company:
Group members present:
SB and TC
Nothing to confirm

                                          Agenda                                                       A.O.B Call Sheet
Arranging actors for scene participation

Scene plans

Improving location and music clearance and copyright letters

              Outcome of meeting/ Decisions/ Actions and Individual/ Group Targets

Discussions and Decisions

Today we had a meeting where we discussed about the actors we need for each of the four scenes and we mentioned about the planning of each scene using our floor plans.

We also had a discussion about improving our location and music clearance and copyright letters.

Individual/ Group Actions

SB will complete and improve the location clearance letters and the music copyright letters.

TC will assemble some of his friends to participate in acting of each scene within the crime drama.

 Individual/ Group Targets

SB will complete and improve the location and music permission letters by the end of today

TC will assemble the actors before next week so we can start filming over the Easter break.


Name of production:
Eye in the Sky 
Production Company:
Group members present:
SB and TC
Nothing to confirm

                                          Agenda                                                       A.O.B Call Sheet
Arranging actors for scene participation

Planning scene sets ups

Establishing plans for location and music clearance and copyright letters

              Outcome of meeting/ Decisions/ Actions and Individual/ Group Targets

Discussions and Decisions

Today we had a meeting where we continued our discussions about the actors we need for each of the four scenes and we mentioned about the planning of each scene using our floor plans thoroughly.

We also had a discussion about finding the head teacher and business manager of Manshead to sign the location permission sheets and writing to the council of each location and the music artists for permission to use their soundtrack in the end credits.

Individual/ Group Actions

SB will research for the music artist or company that own the song to use in the end credits.

TC will continue to assemble some of his friends to participate in acting of each scene within the crime drama.

SB and TC will find the head teacher and business manager to sign in the location sheet for permission to film at Manshead.

 Individual/ Group Targets

SB will research the music artist/ company who own the soundtrack by the end of today and will contact them in his own time.

TC will continue assemble the actors before next week so we can start filming over the Easter break.
SB and TC will find the head teacher and business manager to sign in the location permission sheet before next session.

Name of production:
Eye in the Sky 
Production Company:
Group members present:
SB and TC
Nothing to confirm

                                          Agenda                                                       A.O.B Call Sheet
Arranging actors for scene participation

Planning scene sets ups

Contacting owners of location and music material

              Outcome of meeting/ Decisions/ Actions and Individual/ Group Targets

Discussions and Decisions

Today we had a meeting where we continued our discussions about the actors we need for each of the four scenes and we mentioned about the planning of each scene using our floor plans thoroughly. With that we made plans to contact the music contributors and the council and owners of locations.

As we have already got the permission needed to film at manshead all we need to do is to contact the artists or contributors that own the music we plan to use in the programme and contact the council to film at Dunstable and Luton.
We had a discussion on the floor plans of each scene and we discussed about organising the people who are going to portray the characters where the contributor lists need to be signed for their permission.
Individual/ Group Actions

SB will contact the music artist or company for their permission to use their song in the end credits.

TC will continue to assemble some of his friends to participate in acting of each scene within the crime drama.

SB and TC will make plans to contact the councils of Dunstable and Luton for permission to film in those locations.
 Individual/ Group Targets

SB will contact the music artist/ company for their permission to use their soundtrack by the end of today

TC will continue assemble the actors before next week so we can start filming over the Easter break.

SB and TC will contact the Luton and Dunstable council for permission to film in those locations before any filming begins over the Easter holidays.

Name of production:
Eye in the Sky 
Production Company:
Group members present:
SB and TC
Nothing to confirm

                                          Agenda                                                       A.O.B Call Sheet
Arranging actors for scene participation

Contacting owners of location and music material

Making plans to film during the Easter holidays

Taking home film equipment

              Outcome of meeting/ Decisions/ Actions and Individual/ Group Targets

Discussions and Decisions

Today we had a meeting where we continued our discussions about the actors we need for each of the four scenes and we mentioned about the planning of each scene using our floor plans thoroughly. With that we made plans to send the completed letters to the music contributors and to the council and owners of the locations.

All we need to do now is to contact the artists or contributors that own the music we plan to use in the programme and contact the council to film at Dunstable and Luton.

We had a discussion on the floor plans of each scene where we plan to film two of them over the Easter holidays and we discussed about organising the people who are going to portray the characters where the contributor lists need to be signed for their permission.

As we plan to film during the Easter holidays we had a discussion about who was responsible for taking home the filming equipment which I volunteered to do so.
Individual/ Group Actions

SB will contact the music contributors or will search for another sound track to use instead if we get no permission or we do not receive a response.

SB will also take home the filming equipment needed for the production of the crime drama

TC will continue to assemble some of his friends to participate in acting of each scene within the crime drama.

SB and TC will contact the councils to film at the locations needed and then make plans to film over the holidays.

 Individual/ Group Targets

SB will contact the music artist/ company for their permission to use their soundtrack.

TC will continue assemble the actors before next week so we can start filming over the Easter break.

SB and TC will contact the Luton and Dunstable council for permission to film in those locations before any filming begins over the Easter holidays.

SB and TC will make plans and arrangements to film during the Easter holidays

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