SCP: The Black Hole

              Single Camera Production: The Black Hole

In this article I will be explaining about The Black Hole short film that was directed by Phil and Olly in 2008, where I will be discussing about the format, genre, the narrative structures and its technical features like camera, editing, sound and lighting.


The format of The Black Hole short film is a single drama. For instance the short film drama is a two minute installment featured on ‘You Tube’ which is a single clip with no episodes linked to the storyline. This suggests that The Black Hole is a single one off drama as it is only a two minute film established on ‘You Tube’ with a short storyline based on an office worker using a supernatural piece of paper with a black hole displayed on to it to steal money from a safe that creates a strong message of using power as simple purpose to commit a crime.


The genre of The Black hole is a drama with the sub-genres of dark comedy, science fiction, fantasy and thriller. For instance the scene shows an average bored office worker operating a photo copier where he prints out an image of a black hole which he discovers has powers to get him in to vending machines, rooms and the safe of the organisation. This illustrates that the short film is a drama as is focuses on the single strand of the bored office worker which then follows on to the sub-genres of science fiction/ fantasy as he has discovered the black hole and its supernatural powers. The storyline also presents that the short film has the genre of thriller as it relates to crime where the office worker uses in the black hole to gain access to a locked room and steel money from the safe where he accidently locks himself into which signifies the genre of dark comedy. However this shows that the Black hole is a drama with the elements of different sub-genres included into the storyline.

Narrative structures

The Black Hole short film is presented in a single narrative as it focuses on one character realistically. For instance the whole storyline focuses on a single office worker who has the impressions of boredom and looks like he had a tough day at work until he discovers the black hole which he uses to gain access to a vending machine and then uses it to steal money from a locked safe. This demonstrates the character that was featured throughout the whole storyline of The Black Hole is presented as a single strand narrative as it focuses on one office worker realistically in order for the audience to relate to as the individual relates to real life offices workers and the work and stress they go through each day.

The storyline of The Black Hole is in a linear form that follows the first two parts of Todorov’s Theory along with a closed ending narrative that concludes the sequence. For example the film starts off with a stressed office worker going through his daily routine (equilibrium) and then he discovers the black hole on a piece of paper (disequilibrium) which he uses to break in to a safe that he locks himself in to (closed ending). This illustrates that the producers use the equilibrium effect to introduce the character of the office worker in order for the audience to relate towards the individual’s lifestyle of employment and this personality towards his job. The disequilibrium effect was established in the sequence to show the disruption and the link change of the office worker’s life when he first discovers the black hole where a closed ending was used instead of a new equilibrium when he accidentally gets locked in to the safe. The  new equilibrium was disrupted towas the end where the office worker gets himself locked in the safe where it will be left to the audience to imagine if he gets out or not. Linking back to the point this basically shows that The Black Hole is a linear narrative as the storyline is presented in chronological order using on the first two parts of Todorev's theory with a closed ending to conclude the storyline as a one off film.

Technical features


The Black Hole short film uses a number mid close up and close up shots throughout the two minute sequence. For instance this can be seen in the beginning where the office worker was using the photocopier. This practically demonstrates that reason why the producers of The Black Hole uses these mid close up and close up shots for the photcopier scens was to represent the theme and the mise en scene of the enviroment and the machinery of an ordinary office department in order to relate it to employement in real life dramtcially and towads the audience to  relate towards. The producers uses thes shots to highlight the chracter of the the office worker in order to represent the sub genres of the programme and to relate to the stressful employement lifestyles of the audience realistically.


The Black Hole uses a jump cut shot at the end of the film. For example at the end of the scene where the office worker gets himself trapped inside the safe a jump cut is used where the camera pans out three times before the closed ending. This illustrates that the producers use the jump cut in order to form the closed ending to conclude the story which clearly disrupts the new equilibrium as it was left to the audience to imagine the fate of the office worker trapped inside the safe or black hole. This also shows that the jump cut was used as an effect to engage the audience as it panned away from the safe which gives the characteristics of the mise en scene and the theme of claustrophobia from the office worker’s point of view and the isolation of the office department.

In The Black Hole short film there is use of the reverse shot as part of continuity editing. For instance the camera focuses on the office worker eating the snickers bar which then focuses on the locked door and then back to the office worker. This demonstrates that this form of continuity editing used during this scene has used a slightly similar technique of the reverse shot where the purpose here is that it reflects to the thoughts of the office worker where after using the black hole to get hold of a snickers bar from the vending machine he then thinks of using the powers of the black hole to gain himself access in to the locked room. Furthermore this also shows that the technique of the reverse shot was used to represent the real personality of the office worker for the audience to relate to and understand the plot of The Black Hole itself.


Throughout the short film of The Black Hole there was manly the used of diegetic sounds. For instance there were sounds of computers, the photocopier/ printer, eating the snickers bar and the sound of when the office worker opens the door to the locked room that contained the safe.  These diegetic sounds where used in order to represent the mise en scene of the office department realistically towards the audiences as it is similar towards real life circumstances of a business working environment. The use of the diegetic sounds were also used by the producers to suit the theme of the film to create dramatic and realistic effects and surroundings to relate towards the genres and to represent the personality of the office worker’s character for the audience to understand.
The lighting that was used in The Black Hole was used to represent the mise en scene, theme and reflect towards the personality of the office worker. For example the lighting in the main office area and the locked room is at a low key grade with a mixture of cool colours as shown by the toning of grey and light blue. This suggests that the producers used low key colour grading in The Black Hole to create the mise en scene of the office in order to make the sequence look realistic and dramatic to relate to the theme and genre of a crime thriller combined with supernatural science fiction and dark comedy. This also demonstrates that the producers also used the blue and grey cool colours within the tone of the low key lighting to represent the personality of the office worker as he is stressed with his job and these colours however may also represent the realistic lifestyles of employment for the audience to understand and to be engage to the storyline.

I have done my research on The Black Hole by watching

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