Eye in the Sky Blog Diaries


                   Eye in the Sky crime drama Blog Diary

MARCH                                                                                                         2013

01/03/13: Generating ideas, scripting and production schedules

My group were not present during today’s lesson but later that day we met up and continued at analysing and improving the script we completed the other day and discussed the storyline and the single camera production of the crime drama. We then began establishing out production schedules of the crime drama. This is what i hoped to achieve by the end of today.
In our previous session we made the final decision on whose crime drama idea we decided to produce in the end my idea (Eye in the Sky) was chosen due to the imaginative storyline and the creative introduction of the programme. Today my group completed analysing the script and planned out the layout and sequenced of the opening five minutes in total we made a decision to include four scenes all together within Act 1 Set up and Act 2 Confrontation which shows the introduction of the Antagonist and then the Protagonist that will follow the codes and conventions of Todorov’s Theory. We also made some discussions on the use of single camera production throughout the pre-production of the crime drama opening sequence. later during the session we began producing a rough draft of our production schedule of the pre-production procedure and decided on who will be responsible to work on and complete the tasks in groups and individually.

Me and TC made good progress as we had come up with our own ideas and opinions on how the storyline should be structured throughout the storyline of the opening sequence of the crime drama which we established towards our plans of our pre-production documents and when we begin the practical part of filming the scenes during the Easter holidays and when we come back after the holidays which we contributed perfectly.


05/03/13: Generating ideas, production schedules and working on tasks

Today we made an arrangement to meet up to complete the rough draft of our pre-production schedules and made further decisions and final decisions on the storyline and roles within the pre-production procedure of the crime drama. We then began working on two of the Tasks individually where i was working on storyboard and TC was working on the budget of the programme. This is what i want to achieve before the next session we meet up again.

Firstly we have managed to finally completed the pre-production schedule of Eye in the Sky and then managed to successfully created another two productions schedules based on the times and dates of filming each of the scenes and on the post-production schedule. We then continued to fourthly discuss about the storyline and single camera production of the programme and made our final decisions on who should be responsible for each of the tasks of the crime drama during pre-production. I decided to work on the storyboard of the crime drama and TC made a decision on working on the budget of the programme which we will complete in our own time or during next session when the group meets up again.

Me and TC have made a good start towards the pre-production assignment of the crime drama where we worked together to complete the final draft of the production schedules where our performance was interactive and creative. TC began to make a start on the budgets which he showed little interest towards but completed it by the end of then session. Myself on the other hand showed innovation at creating the storyboards of the crime drama which i was willing to complete by the end of today. 

06/03/13: Individual Pre-Production Tasks

Today we have arranged a meeting for the group to meet up in a session where we discussed about completing works and beginning new tasks which i hope to achieve.

TC successfully completed the budget and then began working on the funding research sheets. I have started the shooting script which i am still currently working and will complete it in my own time tonight along with the practical pieces of work like the storyboard of the crime drama.

TC showed little innovation when he was completing the budget and when he began to work on the funding research log which he contributed towards consistently. Myself on the other hand was confused on how to establish the shooting script at first where i went to look at some examples which gave me an idea on how to create one for my crime drama which helped on how to structure the storyline and gave me an idea on how to prepare the filming of each scene throughout the opening sequence creatively.

07/03/13: Individual Pre-Production Tasks

Today we have decided to establish another meeting where we had a discussion about the work we are planning to start and complete during this session which i currently hope to achieve by today.

I have fully completed the shooting script and made amendments to the script during the process which have gave me ideas on how to prepare the filming and how to construct each scene and the storyline of the crime drama. TC is still working on the funding research log where he has gathered up useful research on the broadcaster Channel 4 which we plan to air our programme on and has gave the group several ideas on the funding strategies and where to obtain them from. He told the group that he will make an attempt to complete the funding research log tonight and either starts on the copyright and clearance documents or the risk assessment next session.

I have showed innovation at creating the shooting script fully where i have improved the script in the process which made sound effective when it comes to filming all the scenes of the opening sequence which i have contributed towards efficaciously. I am beginning to be suspicious about the performance of TC as he is not showing any interest towards the production tasks i have set him which i am concerned about as this can severely affect the work within the assignment especially when we begin filming the crime dram. Although at lease he is showing small progress towards the project.

11/03/13: Individual Pre-Production Tasks

Today we decided to arrange a group meeting where we discussed on each others progress and began making plans to start the copyright and clearance documents and the floor plans which i hope to achieve by the end of today and before next session.

During the weekend i have successfully completed the three costume designs of the protagonist, antagonist and hit man of the crime drama. i have begun work on the floor plans due to some technical difficulties it has been slow progress for the development. TC has started to work on the copyright and clearance documents which he said he will complete it by the end of today.

I am beginning to feel like i am the one who is contributing to most of the work as i am completing most of the tasks which was one of the reasons why i gave TC a small group of tasks to work on. However i am showing a good level of creativity from the work i have produced over the weekend and after each day in my spare time and from the work i recently established in today's lesson as i have managed to complete three costume designs of the three main characters along with beginning the floor plans which i am currently working on. TC is still showing little creativity where the work he produced is not in outstanding quality.

13/03/13: Individual Pre-Production Tasks

Today we have arranged for another meeting in today's session where we discussed about the work that was completed and made plans to finish off the project before Friday which i hope to achieve effectively and efficiently.

In today’s session i have begun to make amendments on the storyboard which was a very slow process and TC began to finish of the release forms, the clearance and copyright documents and has started work on the risk assessment of the programme. We have made plans to complete the rest of the work in our own time.

With the deadline in a days time i have made an attempt to complete the rest of the storyboard creatively which i did not manage to complete by the end of the two hour session but i have achieved the aim at completing it in my own time where floor plans where later completed that evening. Again TC is not showing any particular interests in to the project as he is producing very small amounts of work in low quality which does not meet the criteria and grade. At least he is completing the work at a faster rate than i am.

15/03/13: Final Deadline

Today it was our final deadline for all the pre-production documents where we have made arrangements for our last meeting where we had discussions about completing the work individually.

In today’s session i have managed to complete the contingency plans and the materials and facilities lists. TC has mentioned that he has completed the release forms, the clearance and copyright documents and completed the risk assessment sheet. We then began to establish a contents page and begun to proofread each of the documents before placing them in the folder for the commissioning meeting.

Today was the deadline which TC has failed to attend which was all left to me to complete the rest of the pre-production documents including the iconography list and the materials, facilities and crew sheet and the contents page which i completed after the session including the deadline. I have manged completed all the tasks before the day ended. Although TC mentioned he completed the tasks in his own time where the quality of the work he produced was relatively on a low level.

19/03/13: Checking and Amending

Today we were given opportunities to check and amend all of our pre-production documents which my group has taken seriously where we aim to check all of the work we produced and amend them during the session and in our spare time.

Today I have managed to improve the meeting sheets and the blog diaries during the session which I have completed where in the meanwhile I have made plans to do the rest of the amendments of the other work in my own time such as the location recce sheets and the copyright and clearance documents.

Today was just like 15/03/13 as TC has not made an attempt to turn up which was left to me to make the amendments to some of the pre-production documents that we have produced from the previous weeks which I have completed.

21/03/13: Checking and Amending

We decided to meet up again today to discuss our future plans on filming the crime drama where we had a conversation about organising the actors to volunteer at portraying the characters in each scene, discussed about the plans of each scene within the position of each angle and movement and we made plans to complete the location clearance documents and the music copyright letters by next session which I hope to achieve.

 I and TC had a conversation about the actors needed in the crime drama as this was our main problem where we made a decision to cancel out one of the scenes if we did not have the correct number of actors. However TC did come to mind that he knew people who would be interested to volunteer at portraying the actors which I hope we will not have a problem with as he is contacting them over Face book and meeting them in person in his spare time. We also had a discussion of scene by reflecting back at are completed floor plans where we looked at the position of actors, props and filming equipment which provided us an idea on how to film each scene and when to film them which we contributed to film two scenes in Easter and two more scenes when we come back after the holidays. Me on the other hand began to research the music to use in the end credits of the programme which I had one in mind to use where I then had to find the contributors who own the soundtrack which was time consuming. I have also completed the location clearance documents for all locations I plan to use where I and TC will make plans to contact the head teacher and business manager of Manshead next session.

 TC mentioned that he knew friends of his outside college that may have an interest in participating in portraying each of actors which he has expressed well showing slight innovation within his creativity and becoming much more interested in filming the crime drama. I and TC were also innovative at planning each of the scenes within the movement of characters, the positing of filming equipment and the props that we intend to use which gave us an idea on how to film each scene effectively and efficiently. I have managed to complete the location clearance documents and had an idea on what music to use in the end credits but I have found it difficult to find the contributors who own the soundtrack which halted the procedure.

25/03/13: Checking and Amending

Today we had a meeting and discussed further plans on the people to participate in portraying each character, the floor planning of each scene and establishing the location clearances and the music copyright letters which I hope to complete without any delays.

Me and TC continued our discussion about the participation of the people to portray each of the actors where he mentioned that he already organised two friends of his to volunteer We also continued at planning the floor plans of each scene where we have got a full scale idea on how to film the scenes professionally to ensure the prevention of risks towards the actors, contributors, props and filming equipment on each set. I am still continuing to research the contributors who own the soundtrack that I plan to use in the end credits but by the end of the session with the help from TC we was able to find the owners of the soundtrack and made plans to contact the owners by next session. After the session we were able to find the head teacher and the business manager of Manshead to fill in the location permission sheets where we have successfully go the permission to film at the school after Easter.

Today I was quite slow at finding the contributors who own the soundtrack which halted the procedure although I have come up with ideas that relates to the planning of the production of the crime drama by reflecting to the floor plans I previously produced. TC on the other is starting too little creativity in the work he is currently producing as he helped me to find the company that owns the soundtrack we plan to use in the end credits. TC also came up with ideas towards the filming production of the programme and has  contacted two of his friends to take part in portraying the characters where we has mentioned that he will contact more people to volunteer in his spare time. After the session finished me and TC had the courage to grant the permission from the head teacher and the business manager where we were able to film at the School. However I did mention to him to print out the contributor/ actor release forms which he has not achieved which I am concerned about as we need evidence of the participation of individuals to show at the commissioner.

27/03/13: Checking and Amending 

We made a decision to continue our discussion and planning on organising the actors and the set up for each scene and had a discussion to contact the councils of Luton and Dunstable to film at their locations over the Easter holidays and contacting the music artists/ companies to use their soundtracks which I aim to complete before Easter begins. 

The procedure was quite slow today but was able to complete the music copyright letter that I sent to Universal Music for the permission I need to use Imagine Dragons Radioactive in the end credits of my crime drama. TC was still arranging his friends to participate in the acting of the crime drama which we discussed about and we made further effective plans on the set up of each scene within the movement of actors and the positioning of filming equipment that follows the storyline spontaneously. As I spent the whole of today's session amending the blog and the meeting record sheets I did not have enough time to begin contacting the councils of Dunstable and Luton where I made a decision to do so in my spare time. 

Today I have successfully completed the music clearance letter creatively which I sent to the owners of the soundtrack however I was not able to contact Luton council and Dunstable council as I had to amend the blogs and the meeting record sheets to ensure that they were up to date even though I have already complete the preparation of the location clearance letters for those particular locations. TC however is continuing to show slight  improvements in to the work he has recently produced as he has helped me to establish the plans for the setup of each scene and that he is showing little interest in to the project as I have told him to print out the contributor/ actor release forms which he has not and that he is finding it difficult to recruit some of his friends to volunteer at the portraying of some of the characters which I am quite concerned about as it is getting really close to the start of the Easter holidays which is when filming begins

28/03/13: Decision to film over Easter

Me and TC decide to meet up again during one of the free periods as it was the last day before Easter break we had a discussion to begin filming during the holidays as soon as possible before we return next term which I was hoping to achieve as next term is the last six weeks of year 12 and it soon goes. 

The meeting only lasted for approximately 40 minutes where we discussed about filming scene 2 and scene 4 over the holidays as they do not take place at the school. We also had a discussion about setting up our own individual tasks. I was responsible for taking home and looking after the filming equipment borrowed from the media department and was I decide to be responsible for setting up the editing software (Adobe Premier) on my own laptop to edit the scenes filmed over the holidays. TC however was responsible to organise the actors for each of the scenes especially for scene 2 and he was responsible for his own actions towards filming the crime drama as he volunteered to be the cameraman and so was I. 

During the meeting I and TC discussed our opinions towards the aims and objectives we have set ourselves and each other and have carried some of them out successfully throughout the whole day before the term ended before Easter. I managed to borrow the filming equipment I needed for the production from the media department which I took home that afternoon. TC showed a small portion of inspiration towards the project and I have the feeling that the filming will not go as plan due to his lack of interest and the bad weather ahead.

APRIL                                                                                                       2013

10/04/13: Beginning the production, recording the mysterious caller

After a week from no response to any of my messages I sent to TC on Facebook I decided to contact one of my friends who lives near me to do a recording of one of the characters, the mysterious caller for scene 4 which I hope to achieve by the end of today. TC was not present as the recording took place at my house.

As I was not able to film due to the confirmation of TC and I was still waiting for the Central Bedfordshire Council and the Dunstable Council to respond to my clearance letter which I sent to them previous week I made a decision to contact my friend who lives near me to do a recording of the mysterious caller which was actually successfully as not only we got it completed and out of the way he has done quite a good job at voicing the character. 

As I mentioned above I have sent a clearance letter to the Dunstable and Central Bedfordshire council but I am still waiting for their response to grant my permission.  I was able to download the free trial of Adobe Premiere but I have been having problems using it as I cannot access the software as I need to update the graphic video display drivers so that was not a good start and that I mainly focused on other work throughout the holidays. On the other hand I do not have any idea on what TC is doing as he does not have the motivation to film the crime drama which I am really concerned about as he is causing a lot of delays as we were supposed to film scene 4 at the beginning of the first week which has annoyed me as he has left this to the very last minute and that I have no option but to cancel scene 2 as we were supposed to film it during the second week.  Just to let you know scene 4 is now known as scene 3.

16/04/13: Filming finally begins, Filming Scene 3A ( Pre-Prod Day 1)

After two whole weeks of not filming and wasting valuable time TC finally responded to my Facebook messages where we plan to film scene 3 (4)  on Saturday 13/04/13 which we could not do any filming due to the weather which was a waste of time.

On the day we came back TC made a decision to film scene 3 (4) during the two hours where I mentioned that we only film part 1 on London Rd as it is the closest to the school and that I hope to get this completed by the end of today as the deadline is only in three weeks’ time.

During Easter is was confirmed by Dunstable and Central Bedfordshire council that I was able to film in the provided locations which we did on the day we came back. We was able to film part 1 of scene 3 successfully during the rush hour without hardly any disruptions from the public and traffic. My role was to be the director and to portray the main protagonist, David Broady walking home from college even though the sequence was filmed in the morning. TC's role was to be the camera man who filmed part 1 of scene 3 effectively using the instructions I gave him including the floor plans of the sequence.

To be honest I do feel like we are behind schedule and that we are making less progress which was not a good start as we were supposed to film scene 3 (4) on the first week of the Easter holidays. At least we have begun filming though where I have directed the scene accurately which enabled TC to film the sequence effectively which he has achieved professionally allowing me to portray the protagonist creatively which made the first two parts of scene 3 look quite dramatic.


17/04/13: Further planning towards production

In today' session we had a group meeting where discussed about including a soundtrack after no response from the contributors, making plans and schedules for filming and arranging the actors to participate in two of the scenes which I hope to organise by the end of today as the deadline is only in three weeks’ time. 
Today I and TC began to analyse the completed footage of the first part of scene 3 which we did professionally and discussed about which scenes were the most effective to include in the crime drama. We have finally and successfully organised the actors to portray the characters in scene 1 and scene 2 with the help of some class mates who were willing to participate along with three of TC's friends. After arranging the actors I and TC were able plan ahead of filming the other scenes which has given me little confidence towards the production and hopefully we get all the filming completed by the end of next week.  Unfortunately I could not find time to research for another soundtrack but I do have in mind of what to use so all I have to do is contact the contributors that own that music. 

My performance towards the project is more creative than before as I have got an idea on the production of the crime drama however the actions made by TC of not filming over the Easter holidays and organising the actors and the schedules of film times has made me loose interest towards the project as I have got stressed out of how things turned out which I am concerned about because I do not want to end up recruiting actors who do not to a professional job at portraying the characters especially the antagonist, hit man and David's friend (Josh) which would be disappointing as the plot is very innovative. I have had enough delays as it is and I hope I do not get any more towards this Friday and next week when we are filming the rest of the scenes as I want to get this project completed and out of the way. 

19/04/13: Filming scene 3B (Pre- Prod Day 2)

Today we decided to film part 2 of scene 3 as we had the time to complete the sequence before next week which i was willing to complete as the deadline is coming near. We also had a conversation about the actors, props and equipment we needed for filming the scene 1 which i also hope to get organised before the production on Monday (22/04/13).

As we only had two lessons in the morning me and TC decide to film the second part of scene 3 at the Dunstable town centre, The Square which i thought was a perfect location for David (protagonist) to receive an unexpected phone call from a mysterious person and that the location had a brilliant mise en scene that will suit the theme of the scene that an audience can relate to. After we collected the equipment TC discussed about recruiting a third person to assist at helping with the equipment who was a good friend of ours and an ex media student, that person was GH and was willing to help us out with the filming. My role was just the same as the first day where i directed the scene and portrayed David walking home from college and then receiving the phone call from the mysterious caller. TC and GH roles was to film the sequence and assist with the equipment.

We only had one problem during filming where we were not able to film at The Square as there were traffic jams on the main road even though the space we needed to film was clear and that there were less pedestrians but the noise would interfere with the dialogue of my character so we had no other choice bu to relocate. TC was able to provide us with a location where end up filming the scene at a local park near by which was the perfect location as there was a path which went through it that created a good mise en scene and that it was quite suitable for the positioning and movement of the character and the camera. I feel confident that i portrayed the character quite effectively and dramatically which looked good on camera when we reviewed it on the camcorder and i thought i done a good job at directed the scene and provided TC instructions which kept him and GH motivated. TC also done a good job at filming with the help of GH were able to film each take accurately and effectively. I hope this motivation continues when we film the two other scenes instead of complete awkwardness like before. I also spoke to TC about re-filming the first take on scene 3 part 1 as the camera looked unstable which he agreed on.

22/04/13: Updating Shot Logs, Beginning Editing and making Production Plans

Today we had a meeting where we analysed the footage of scene 3 part 2 we filmed on Friday, we made a decision to install the filmed scenes on to Adobe Premiere and had a discussion about filming scene 1 later after school which i hope to complete. 

First off we began to analyse the footage of the second part of scene 3 which we looked through together as a group where we made decisions to keep some of the scenes and delete those that were not needed or in bad quality. Unfortunately one of the parts of scene 3 was missing which was the dialogue of the character and that the 360 pan shot was poorly performed. However most of the scenes looked quite good but not the best standard as long it will get me the grades i need. We also begun installing the scenes on to Adobe Premiere where we assembled the scenes in chronological order which was time consuming and frustrating at the same time as it took the whole lesson and TC was not interested. Me and TC also made plans with JF and SC about filming scene 1 after school today at 16:10. Unfortunately the librarians did not allow us to film in the library after 16:30 and that JF who was meant to portray the antagonist did not turn up. 

Today was just like any ordinary session where i am willing to do the work and get the whole project completed before the 10th May 2013 and then there is TC who is not interested at doing anything related to the project which i find quite awkward and annoying at most times. Analysing the footage of Scene 3 took time as we worked separately and hardly interacted with each other which made things slowed down when we began to install and assemble the both parts of scene 3 on to Adobe Premiere. When it was time to film scene 1 i have just found out that we was not able to film at the library at 16:30 which had disrupted the process and that one of the actors did not turn up this has caused a large level of delays as we will have to re-locate and film another day. TC did mentioned he had the actors arranged but he had to cancel their arrival due to the situation. Hopefully we can get scene 1 and scene 2 completed on Wednesday as i intend on shortening the scenes in order to make it easier to edit as we only have two weeks left before the deadline and with the poor motivation of TC i am beginning to get concerned of whether we will get it finish by then.

24/04/13: Analysing scene 3, editing and Filming Scene 1B (Pre-Prod Day 3) 

Today we had a meeting where we began to finish off analysing the footage of scene 3 part 2 and that we made plans to film scene 1 and scene 2 later on today as i hope to achieve complete those scenes before next week.

Today me and TC analysed all of the scene 3 part 2 footage which we completed and managed to recover some of the files we lost so that was a good start. The scenes so far look quite effective and they were definitely usable for editing. Me and TC also had a discussion about filming scene 1 and scene 2 after school today which we do not know if it will go to plan due to the actors we need, the permission for the facilities we plan to film at and the time.Things went according to plan at 15:00 after school today as the group were motivated enough to film the second part of scene 1 and because we cannot use the library for the scene we managed to relocate it at the studio in the media department. However we did not manage to complete the whole sequence as ran out of time and the group were not taking it too seriously.

Me and TC worked well together professionally when we where analysing the footage where we managed to highlight the best parts and take out the worse parts. With our motivation we were able to complete analysing the footage successfully which gave us time to install the best scene on to Adobe premiere. We also showed creativity at planning the production of scene 1 and scene 3 which we plan to film later on today after school.

It was after school and the whole group met up where we were willing to film the second part of scene 1. It started out good as were able to relocate the location to the studio at the media department as we were not allowed to film at the library. However we has a lot of disadvantages towards the production of this scene as we spent the first 30 minutes setting up the mise en scene which gave us little time to film the whole scene. TC portrayed the security guard for the scene which i thought he done a good job because of the clothing and the acting but i felt he should improve on the posture of the character. We had help from a drama student, JF who portrayed Zharkov (Antagonist) and his friend, SC who portrayed Armendariz (Hit man) who i thought did ok but felt they could do better. To make matters worse the actors on set were not actually taking this situation too seriously where they will play with the gun props and then portray the characters unprofessionally which made the footage look quite unprofessional as they were messing about and that they had to leave early as one was being picked up and the other had to take the bus home. Unfortunately as i was the director and the camera man of the scene i was not able to concentrate at operating the camera and at time i felt like i was being pressured and pushed around. After filming the short part of scene 1 me and TC reviewed the footage and i the only thought i had in mine was to delete all the footage as they were unusable because they looked ineffective and unprofessional. To fix this scenario i made a decision to re film this scene next week in our spare time.

26/04/13: Analysing scene 1, editing and re-filming scene 1B (Pre-Prod Day 4)

Today we had a meeting where me and TC began to analyse the footage of scene 1B we filmed on Wednesday  we made a decision to begin editing the footage of scene 3 and then made further plans to re-film scene 1B today during the second hour which i hope to complete by today as the deadline is close.

Not a bad start today Me and TC began the session at analysing the footage of scene 1B which we thought was not worth at including in our crime drama as it was filmed in a low standard where the camera work was all wrong and that the actors did not take a serious approach in the acting. So the only decision we made was to delete all the footage and made plans to re-film either later today or next week. Because of this major delay i decide to cancel out scene 2 which was the scene where the protagonist was first  introduced in the crime drama and that we need an actor to participate in the scene to portray David's friend which me and TC tried to contact the actor but never responded to our calls and messages. After analysing and making the decision to cancel scene 2 out we began to transfer the scene 3 (Now scene 2) on to Adobe Premiere in chronological order which we did successfully  In the second hour i have managed to organise the same actors to re-film the second part of scene 1 which we managed to successfully complete the first part when the hit man hacks the computer and when the antagonist shoots the security guard.

I think today was the only good day when working on the production of Eye in the Sky as me and TC finally worked as a team for once which helped with our motivation of analysing the footage filmed on Wednesday  when editing scene 3 (now scene 2) on Adobe Premiere and when the group was motivated to re-film the second part of scene 1 again in the studio with extra assistance to guide us on the filming. Me and TC with some extra assistance managed to set up the mise en scene of the media studio to look like a computer mainframe room which we did professionally and looked quite effective. I was the director where i have provided the actors on set with instructions on portraying their characters and i was the one who filmed the whole sequence which i thought i done a better job than before as i used different shots and angles which made the sequence look dramatic and realistic. TC portrayed the Facility Security Guard, SC portrayed Armendariz (Hit man) and JF portrayed Zharkov (Antagonist) all of them done really well at portraying the characters who made the scene look effective and dramatic on camera.

I hope we get the same motivation with the group when we film the rest of scene 1 next time. It is quite a shame that we got this motivation in the very last minute.

30/04/13: Analyzing scene 1B footage and editing

Today we had a meeting where we discussed about analysing the footage of the improved version of scene 1B, editing the crime drama and made plans to film the rest of scene 1B which i hope to accomplish by the end of today as the deadline is only next Friday.

Me and TC worked together at analysing the footage of scene 1B where we found the best parts we filmed from the last session and deleted the ones that were not at a good standard. We decided to complete analysing the rest of scene 1B next session and began editing the crime drama. We found out that we cannot film then rest of scene 1B today because the actor who portrays the antagonist was attending an exam so all we did today was film close ups of the computer screen that was featured in scene 1B. We filmed the close ups of the computer to use in the sequence as part of the special effects where we filmed the computer with the green screen technique which we created on PowerPoint and expanded the screen. We then filmed the close up of the computer screen playing a computer themed software on YouTube which we planned to use on the green screen.

The session today did not go as according to plan as we were not able to film the rest of scene 1B in the studio as one of the actors who portrayed the antagonist was attending a photography exam. All we did today was analyse the footage of the first part of scene 1B which looked all good on camera and most were definitely usable. Our performance today was quite slow where i spend the first twenty minutes retaining, naming and deleting the 1B scenes and that me and TC took  our time analysing the footage of scene 1B on our shot logs which consumed the first hour giving us less time to edit. I began work on scene 2 where i structured the first part of the mysterious phone call sequence and then imported scene 1B on to Adobe Premiere where i gave TC a chance to assemble the footage for his grade but he was not keen on doing so. I successfully filmed the close up of the computer in the green screen mode and of the YouTube clips which i completed. The YouTube clips that i filmed made me concerned about the copyright regulations where i could either make my own software or simply use a basic software like an image which i could edit on Adobe Photoshop.

MAY                                                                                                      2013

01/05/13: Editing Eye in the Sky

Today was the start of May where we only had nine days left towards the deadline of completing the project of the crime drama  We decided to have a meeting where mainly put our focuses on editing the opening sequence and we had a discussion about organising dates to film the rest of scene 1.

We decided to edit the footage what we filmed from the previous sessions as we are falling behind and the deadline is only next week. I installed the videos we recently filmed on to the Adobe Premiere and successfully assembled and edited scene 1B and scene 2B where the only thing i have to do is to add the transitions  special effects, opening titling sequence, intro credits and the end credits. I told TC to research for opening titling sequences which he did and then continued experimenting at creating an opening sequence for our crime drama following my designs and instructions i provided him. The only downfall of today was that we were not able to film the rest of scene 1B as the actor we needed to portray Zharkov (Antagonist) was not available due to another exam. The music contributors of the previous soundtrack Imagine Dragons- Radioactive finally responded to my emails after sending them another letter on Saturday. The music contributors have sent me a form to fill in and mentioned that i need to contact two of their employees after woods however at least this has saved me time from finding another soundtrack which i did not have time to look for one. Because i filmed a sequence from YouTube for my green screen sequence in Scene 1B i will need to contact the owners in my spare time.

Today was not a bad session like the previous ones but at least we got the scenes edited and the titling sequence all designed along with the special effects. I thought i did alright today where showed some creativity at assembling the scenes in chronological order trying my best to make them look dramatic and realistic. I was also able to construct the software filmed from YouTube on to the green screen on the computer in Scene 1B which actually worked and now i will have to contact the owners in order to use it. TC was also good today as i gave him instructions to research for effective titling sequences which he did perfectly where he later continued to design the titling sequence for our crime drama. However i am still having problems at motivating TC most of the time which often causes the project to slow down due to the communication barrier between us.

02/05/13: Editing and Amending Crime drama

Today we had a meeting where we mainly put our focuses on editing and amending the scenes on Adobe Premiere and concentrated on creating the titling sequence, intro and end credits and filling in the form for the permission to use the Imagine Dragons soundtrack Radioactive in our TV programme. We made a decision to contact the owners and creators of the graphics we found on YouTube the other day for the permission to use it in out project. We also had a discussion about making plans to film scene 1A, 1C and the rest of scene 1B during next week on Tuesday and Wednesday.I hope to get all of these objectives completed by the end of today as we only have one week to complete the whole project.

As it was only an hour in today's session i decided to concentrate on filling out the form to gain 100% permission from the music contributors at using their track that they 93% own to use in my crime drama in the end credits. I managed to successfully complete the form where all whats was left for me to do now was to contact two more contributors in order to make that 7% then i will be able to use the soundtrack. I instructed TC to use Adobe Premiere to edit and amend the scenes which he did well on and then he went on to continue at creating the titling sequence for the crime drama. TC has mentioned to me about creating the intro and end credits tomorrow when we meet up again tomorrow. I also wrote a letter to the owners (Kartr) of the graphics interface YouTube videos to use some of their materials for the green screen effect in scene 1B. Unfortunately we faced yet another delay with filming the rest of scene 1 as the actors we need to portray Zharkov and Armendariz were not available to film today or tomorrow so we made further plans to film next week on both Tuesday and Wednesday when we come back from the Bank holiday.

Today was quite good apart from the filming delays throughout the week we managed to get a lot of work done towards the production of Eye in the Sky. I showed creativity and courage at filling in the form for the music permission, writing the letter to the owners of the YouTube graphic interface videos and when instructing TC at designing and creating the titling sequence for our crime drama. TC on the other hand was able to maintain his motivation and had the capability to follow my instructions and managed to nearly complete the development of the title sequence. However i am still concerned on whether or not we will get the production of the crime drama completed my next Friday (10/05/13) as we have to film next week giving us less time to edit and that i will have to wait for the permission of the music contributors and the owners of the YouTube graphic interfaces.

03/05/13: Editing and Amending Crime drama

Today we decided to meet up to edit and amend the crime drama for three hours which i intend to mainly focus on and we then made plans to film the rest of scene 1 next week and wait for the permission from the owners of the graphic interface YouTube videos which i all hope to achieve today as we only have one week to get the whole project completed.

Despite we were not able to film scene 1 today due to the busy working day of the actors me and TC decide to have a meeting at the Media studio where we mainly focused on editing and amending the scenes on Adobe Premiere. I was the one who edited and amended the crime drama where i learnt a thing or two at changing the voice of the mysterious caller to sound like an actual phone call in a dark tone of voice which i have managed to accomplish after some tests which took time but was worth it in the end as i was able to make the voice of the mysterious caller sound frighting which made the scene look dramatic and effective. TC began little work on completing the titling sequence but did not complete it and in the process did not start work on the intro credits and the end credits which slowed the production down which was not helpful. Unfortunately after sending another notice to the owners of the graphic interface YouTube videos i had a reply from them where i was informed that i could not use their materials in my crime drama due to the rights of consumers which has caused a delay where i must find another YouTube video to use, or find an image off the internet and edit on Adobe Photoshop or simply create my own on Adobe After Effects.

Installing and modifying the voice of the Mysterious Caller (Xavier)

This is where i install the recording of the Mysterious caller on to Adobe Premiere where i modify it and include in to the scene 2 (Scene 3).

First: This is when i installed the Mysterious caller on to Adobe Premiere on the audio section as one whole block and the i began to set up the audio effects tools.

Second: This is when i was modifying the voice of the Mysterious caller  using the audio effect tools to structure the voice and make it sound frightening.

Third: This is when i completed modifying the Mysterious Caller's Voice where i separated the block in to sections and installed it in chronological order of the script and the storyline.

Today i think i done rather well at the editing and amending the scenes on Adobe Premiere where i was able to change the voice of the mysterious caller making it the scene look dramatic and realistic that relates towards the theme/ setting and the genre of the programme. Unfortunately i was not able to receive the permission from the owners of the interface graphic videos on YouTube at least i made an attempt to try to persuade them on using their material in my crime drama instead i may try to find other animations to use, or get an image and edit or simply i will film the rest of the scene with a white screen on the computer. TC however showed a small degree of interest in today's three hour session as he did not really tend to focus on completing the development of the titling sequence and failed to make an attempt start creating the intro and end credits of our TV programme which has once again cause more delays towards the production which does not particularly help as the deadline is only just seven days away.

08/05/13: Finishing the filming of Eye in the Sky (Pre-Prod Day 5, Final Day)

Today i was the only one who turned up where i made a decision to cancel the filming of scene 1A and Scene 1C as the deadline is only just two days this week. I then made a decision to film the rest of Scene 1B and conclude the pre-production of the crime drama which i hope to achieve by the end of today as time is running out. 

Today was not a bad day apart from the apparent absent of TC which did not help with the pre-production of our crime drama. For the first hour i began to finish assembling scene 3 all together which i manage to complete and surprisingly i made the scene look dramatic as it resembles a realistic phone call which i thought i executed perfectly. I then  began work on producing the end credits of the programme for the last twenty minutes which i was not able to complete as i had to finish filming the rest of scene 1B, but from the look of things the credits are coming along nicely. I checked my emails to see if the contributors have replied to my emails at using Imagine Dragons- Radioactive in the crime drama. Unfortunately i was informed that in order to use the track there will be fees involved when installing the programme on to Blogger and YouTube where i will need to pay £50 which i found was quite ridiculous as this was only a non-profitable school project where i may need to cancel using the track and find a new one or simply use the soundtrack without the permission and only have the crime drama on Blogger and YouTube for limited time only such as for one month. Today I finally managed to film the rest of scene 1B successfully and effectively where i directed and filmed the whole scene making it look dramatic and realistic throughout the whole process. This is where i will draw the final line of the pre-production of Eye in the Sky.

Today i managed to achieve quite a lot as i was able to complete the rest of scene 1B along with the whole process of pre-production of the programme. I had extra assistance from the technician and the two actors to help me at setting up the mise en scene of the media studio where we successfully created the resemblance of a computer mainframe room like last time. I was the director and the camera man which i thought i done a great job at instructed the actors in the scene and i produced the filming in a quality standard as i used a range of camera shots, angles and movements which made the scene look dramatic. I had the extra assistance with the sound where i was also able to produce clear audio within the dialogue of the characters as well with the background sounds such as the computer monitors and the tapping of the keyboard which made the scene again look and sound dramatic. JF portrayed Zharkov and SC portrayed Armendariz who both done a great job at portraying the characters realistically which made the scene look quite dramatic that related to the setting and genre of the programme. TC was absent apparently which was not good towards the production of the crime drama especially when the deadline is only in two days and i have realised that he obviously has not interest towards the project or in other words he does not care which is affecting his own contribution. 

10/05/13: Deadline

Today was the deadline for our crime drama where i was hoping to complete the rest of the editing by the end of today which i was hoping to achieve.

First we began to import all the footage of scene 1B we filmed on Wednesday on to Adobe Premiere and began to install the best sequences into the crime drama as we did not have any time to review them as we only had two hours of this session and two hours after fourth lesson to complete the post-production sequence of the programme. When i was installing the new scenes on to Adobe Premiere i was surprised that most of these shots look effective within the camera work and audio and the portraying of the characters and the mise en scene made the whole crime drama look dramatic. In the middle of the session we had to do a peer assessment where we viewed each other's crime drama where the one we looked at looked dramatic which gave us an idea on how to effectively film a sequence and establish the structure of the storyline. After viewing each other's crime drama me and TC went back to review the comments made by the peers on our programme. We received some feed back on our crime drama where there were positive comments that stated we used a variety of angles and shots and used lighting to set the theme of each location which established the mise en scene which when well with the storyline. The only improvement of the crime drama what the peers mentioned about was to include the use of transitions between shots and make some of the camera shots and angles more smoother. With these comments it had helped us to develop an understanding on how to make our crime drama look more effective in a cinematic point of view. Throughout the session i began to create the credits but did not complete it where i mainly focused on assembling scene 1 together in chronological order which i successfully completed by the end of today along with creating the title of the programme. I was also able to find a silenced pistol gunshot sound effect and a mobile ring tone sound effect on YouTube which i downloaded onto Video2Mp3 to contribute to my scenes. I have installed silenced pistol gunshot sound effect on to scene 1 where the Antagonist shoots the security guard  which made the sequence look violent and dramatic at the same time which perfectly illustrated that genre of the programme was a crime drama. As i cannot use Imagine Dragons- Radioactive due to a ridiculous £50 fee i will need to research for another soundtrack along with theme music for the crime drama. I was thinking of using Example- Playing in the Shadows for the end credits where i will once again contact the contributors for permission.

Installation of the silenced gunshot sound effect

These screen shots show the procedure of me installing the silenced gunshot sound effect which i downloaded on to the Adobe Premiere on one of my scenes.

First: This is where is was searching for the silence gunshot sound effect file and then installing on to Adobe Premiere.

Second: This is where i am installing the silenced gunshot sound effect on to the scene where the antagonist shoots the Facility Security Guard which took accuracy to get the timing right after the trigger is pulled.

I must admit that today went quite well apart from the fact that we did not full complete the editing of the crime drama which was caused by the delays of filming during the Easter holidays and this term. However we were informed that we get to finish and improve the editing of our crime drama next week. I think i done quite well today as i mainly contributed towards editing the crime drama individually where i successfully assembled scene 1 and linked all the scenes together, i created the title of the crime drama innovation and i have found two sound effects on YouTube which i downloaded and installed on Adobe Premiere. TC did not do much today as he reviewed the footage that i filmed on Wednesday and made amendments to his blog. I gave TC a chance to edit the crime drama which i did after importing all the scenes where i have instructed him to use the best scenes and assemble the rest of the layout of scene 1 as i was the director this was quite a time consuming process when he took over i must  admit.

14/05/13: Post Production

Today were were informed that we had this week and next week to complete and improve the editing of our crime drama where we focused on including additional sound effects and structuring the titles and the credits which i hope to achieve most of it by the end of today.

First i began to install the mobile phone effect on to the scene where David (Protagonist) receives a phone call from the mysterious caller (Xavier) in the crime drama which i downloaded off YouTube last session the process has been a success where i have managed to complete the procedure and made the scene look like a real life scenario which looked dramatic. I have the began working on the titling sequences as well which i did not mange to complete and i have spent the first whole hour on YouTube looking for crime suspense theme music which i could not find. TC spent most of the time completing his blog diary and the shot logs which he a completed. I have then  instructed him to complete the rest of  the end credits which i started on Friday where he has mentioned that he almost completed the procedure. I made a start at creating the intro credits where i have listed all the actors names in a suitable font that relate the theme of the crime drama which i displayed on scene 1 that made the sequence look like an actual crime drama realistically and dramatically. I have also decided to create interactive text sequences before each scene in the crime drama where i have established the location, date and time on the first scene of scene 1 which did to make the audience understand the plot and to make the programme look dramatic and advanced.  I finally found a soundtrack called Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Can't Hold Us (Unlike Pluto Dubstep Remix) to use for the end credits where i have contacted the contributors last night where i had a reply this morning notifying me that there were a promotion company and informed me that i should contact the contributor which i did who created the soundtrack in the first place as it is a remix of a latest song which i may find problems of granting their permission and using the track. Later today i was informed that i could use the soundtrack for free which was quite an astonishment.

Installation of mobile ring tone sound effect

This is where i install the mobile ring tone sound effect on to Adobe Premiere where i modify the volume and position it on the scene where the protagonist answers his mobile phone.

First: This is where i have imported the mobile ring tone sound effect on to Adobe Premiere and then place i in to the open audio section under the scene i intend to position it in.

Second: This is where i adjust the volume of the ring tone sound effect as it was loud and to make the mobile sound like it was ringing inside the pocket for that realistic effect.

Third: After modifying the volume of the ring tone sound effect i duplicate the sound effect in to two blocks. The first block is positioned just before David stops and takes his phone out, this is when the full ring tone sound is heard.The second block is positioned just before David presses the button on his phone to answer the call, this is when only half of the second ring tone is heard.

Soundtrack permission granted evidence 

This is where i got the permission from Unlike Pluto to use their soundtrack Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Can't Hold Us (Unlike Pluto Dubstep Remix) right after contacting their distributor Airwave Music TV.

Creating the location, date and time notification animation 

This is where i created the location, date and time notification animation for the first scene which tells the audience where it took place and when it took place. The dates change from the 31/12/2016 to 01/01/2017 along with the moving times within the seconds. In total i created four templates in order for the animation to work which i installed at the beginning of the first scene.

This is where i was creating the first template as you can see i mentioned the location, country, date and time (31/ 12/2016  | 23:59:58). I have repeated the same process for three more times where i changed the date and the seconds and made sure that the text was in the same position.

I think today quite alright as i was able to finally gain permission to use a soundtrack but we did not get enough editing done in the two hour session where i made a decision to spend another hour at completing as much as i can. My motivation was not good today as i was doing multiple things at once where i managed to successfully install the phone ring tone sound effect on scene 2 and later began structuring the titling sequences which i did not accomplish. I spent most of the first hour on You Tube looking for dramatic crime suspense theme music but was unsuccessful as there we a lot of non-relevant and non-effective videos on their. TC however mainly focused on his blog diaries and his shot logs which he completed and i have instructed him to complete the rest of the end credits which he mentioned made an attempt and nearly completed the process. I am still feeling that i am the only one who is mainly contributing to the work as i have done most of the tasks and i have tried to  motivate TC in today's session at editing the crime drama but he took no notice.

15/05/13: Post-Production

Today we had arranged a meeting where we mainly concentrated on completing the editing of the crime drama and making it look like an actual real dramatic opening sequence which was our main aim as i have just discovered we had to get this all completed before this Friday (17/05/13).

Today we have accomplished more than yesterday's session where we structured the opening sequence effectively with precision in three hours which we did successfully as we got much done and we could finish before Friday hopefully. I had a thought that the first scene of the opening sequence where Armendariz was hacking the computer mainframe was not quite effective to start the crime drama as the audience may not know where it takes and it is not suitable to add details of the location, date time as the scene had a short duration which is where i have came up with a decision to include an image of a building to point out where the first scene would take place as established on my storyboard. I was going to include an image of a facility but instead i intend to use an existing skyscraper with a futuristic design as my crime drama takes place in 2017 in a fictional Britain and the first scene is based in the late evening. I came across an image of the Zlota 44 skyscraper in Warsaw, Poland which i decided to use where i uploaded it from the Internet on to Adobe Photoshop where i change the colours in to a neon blue colour to make it look like an actual modern/ futuristic government facility. I then installed the image on Adobe Premiere and positioned it before the first scene where i modified the picture to make it pan upwards the skyscraper and then i included the location, date and time notification on to the image where i had to change the font to a green colour to make it stand out which created that dramatic cinematic effect. Next i began to improve the audio of each scene in scene 1 which was much effective and understandable than before. Later i started to change the picture colour of each scene in scene 2 to give that afternoon colour effect which made the scene look more dramatic and realistic. TC managed to complete the credits where we had a discussion to move the intro credits from scene 1 to scene 2 after the title of the programme is revealed. We were given feedback from our opening sequence where we were informed that we had to improve the structure within camera, lighting, audio, theme, music which unfortunately gave us a pass grade which i was not please about where i made a decision to re-film the rest of scene 2 on Friday.

Creating, installing and modifying the skyscraper image

This is where i uploaded an image of a skyscraper off the Internet and modify it on Adobe Photoshop where i then install it on to Adobe Premiere and modify it with animations.

First: This is the image before where i have just uploaded it from the Internet on to Adobe Photoshop.

Second: This is the completed image where as you can see i have changed it to a neon blue in order to resemble the mise en scene as a government facility and to create that modern futuristic theme.
On Adobe Photoshop i modified the brightness/ contrast, the saturation/ vibrant and the whole colour.

Third: This is where i installed the image on to my crime drama on Adobe Premiere and created the panning upward effect using the 'Opacity' tool where i have included key frames and adjusted the motion.

Modifying the colour of the location/ date/ time notification

This is where i was changing the colour of the location/ date/ time notification for scene 1 where i had to turn it green in order to make it standout against the blue and white/ silver background of the building.

Improving and modifying the sound of scene 1

This is where i was modifying the volume of the dialogue of each scene in scene 1 where used the audio effects on Adobe Premiere to adjust those settings in order to create high definition sound.

Improving and modifying the picture of Scene 2

This is where i modify the picture of each scene in scene 2 in order to create that summer afternoon effect to represent it took place during that time and to make the sequence look cinematic of course when introducing the credits and making it relevant towards the genre.

First: This is when i was improving the colour of the picture in the first scene of scene 2 where i have used the 'Three-way colour corrector' tool and the 'Saturation' selector to modify the colour to create that summer afternoon effect.

Second: This is where i was amending another scene in Scene 2 where i continue to use the 'Three-way colour corrector' tool and the 'Saturation' tool to create that summer afternoon effect.

Third: This is the comparing of the scene that was filmed (left) and the updated improved results within the picture (right).

Today was a great as we got a lot of editing done and got much accomplished which gained us a portion of time before distributing our final draft on Friday unfortunately we got a poor grade from our opening sequence so i hope the updated improved version will at least earn us a merit grade rather than a pass. I think i done rather well today as i got most of the work done today which was a major accomplishment which i have enabled the group to get one step ahead and that i have nearly fully updated and developed all the scenes of the crime drama where i made the opening sequence look dramatic, realistic and more understandable than before. TC on the other hand showed interest and creativity as he manged to complete the end credits which was a waste of time as were informed that we do not include any end credits as the crime drama is only an opening sequence although at least hes got an idea which he contributed towards creating the intro credit sequences which we both moved from scene 1 on to scene 2 to make it  more effective.

16/05/13: Post Production

Today we met up where we continued with our editing which we aim to mainly focus on structuring the crime drama and installing the soundtrack which was one of our improvements to include  in the opening sequence which i hope to accomplish by the end of today.

Today was quite a good start at first as i manged to complete improving the structure of each of the scenes where i was capable of finally making our crime drama look dramatic and realistic that our target audience can relate to. Me and TC installed the new soundtrack i recently got permission for which is called Macklemore and Ryan Lewis- Can't hold us (Unlike Pluto remix) which was meant to be used for the end credits but because it is only an opening sequence we came up with a conclusion to include the soundtrack on to the beginning of scene 2 which starts after the last scene of scene 1 and plays through the tilting sequence and the finishes just before David's mobile starts to ring to answer the call of the mysterious caller.
The problem was that in my opinion looked like the song did not suit the  rhythm of scene 2 and the theme of the storyline as the soundtrack it self was nearly four minutes long which did not suitable for the short duration of scene 2. We up with a decision to break the sound track apart where we only include small parts of the song in to the beginning sequence of scene 2 which is where TC took over and cause a delay in the procedure.

Today starting off good but ended in disaster where at least i showed creativity and interest towards completing the editing of Eye in the Sky which gave me the motivation to complete the structure of the opening sequence and installing the sound track which me and TC had to make some effective important decisions towards of separating it and only including the parts of the song that suits the theme and for the audience to become engaged towards. TC did not show any interest when he took over which was quite frustrating to witness as he nearly disrupted the progress i made earlier today and did not do a great job at editing the soundtrack which had jeopardized the whole operation at completing the rest of opening sequence before tomorrow.

17/05/13: Post-Production 

Today i made an important decision to spend all day (six hours) at completing the editing of the opening sequence which i hope to complete by the end of today as i have to focus on my other work. 

Today i were meant to be re-filming the whole of scene 2 again but unfortunately we could not do that because TC did not turn up and that the weather was not suitable for filming in so i made an effective decisions to spent most of my time in the media department editing and amending all the scenes in the opening sequence within improving the picture quality, creating and improving the intro credits and tilting sequences, installing and amending the soundtrack, adding video and audio transitions and installing sound effects which i have all aimed to accomplish by the end of today which i did astonishingly.First i was making a plan to research for another soundtrack which i found and tried to make an attempt to write to the same music contributors who let me down on the first soundtrack but did not reply in time. Instead i decided to give the soundtrack i installed already another chance where i began to experiment and in the end i manged to make the sound track suit the theme of the crime drama and the introduction of scene two where i installed some audio transitions which made the song sound quite effective. I then improved the picture colour on each scene of scene 1 where i used the 'Three way colour corrector key' to create a neon blue colour to match the mise en scene which highlighted the sequence making it much clearer than before. I finally made an attempt to finish the intro credits where i included all the names of actors and contributors where i installed each text including the tilting with the 'Mosaic' transition which matched with the theme and genre. I then made each of the text featured through out the opening sequence with bold and italic formats in order to make them stand out. Lastly i downloaded and uploaded a city surrounding sound effect on to Adobe Premiere which i installed on to the image of the building the beginning of the crime drama where i then included the 'Cross dissolve' video transition and the 'Constant fade' audio transition to create some realistic effects.

Soundtrack installation and modification

This is where i decided to give the soundtrack another shot where i installed in to the crime drama at the start of scene 2 where i separated and amended it and completed it by including some audio transitions for the effective approach.

First: This is where i installed the soundtrack on to the crime drama where i began to make a few adjustments at organising the rhythm against scene 2.

Second: This is the completed version where i have separated the sound track in to four parts in order to shorten the song where i have included one 'Exponential fade' and four 'Constant power' audio transitions in order to make the soundtrack sound smoother, clearer and effective.

Improving and modifying the picture of Scene 1

This is where i began to improve and modify the picture of each scene in scene 1 where i changed the colour in to a dark blue in order to represent the mise en scene of a computer mainframe within a government facility and to make it look clearer for the audience and dramatic to relate towards the genre.

First: This is where i improved the picture quality and colour by using only the 'Three-way colour correction' tool which enabled me to create a dark neon blue outset that matches the genre of the crime drama which works well against the mise en scene.

Second: Comparing the results of the ready filmed scene (left) and the improved version (right) you can see a major differences and the quality used.

Installation sound effect and modification of building image

This is where i modified the building image of the first scene where i included a video transition/ effect and then uploaded a sound effect of city surrounding sounds on to Adobe Premiere from the Internet where i then applied an audio transition/ effect to make the sequence look dramatic.

First: This is where i have included a video transition/ effect called 'Cross Dissolve' which creates that cinematic effect which is a great convenient way of introducing the next scene and it illustrates the audience of where the next scene takes place.

Second: This is where i have installed the city surround sound effects on to my crime drama off the Internet where i have shorten it to match the duration of the building sequence and included an audio transition/ effect called 'Exponential Fade' which makes the sound effect sound smoother which quite blends with the dissolve transition on the building sequence where it again makes it look realistic and dramatic in a cinematic point of view.

Titling sequence creation and modification

This is where i create and production company name (Galaxis presents) and the title (Eye in the Sky) on Adobe Premiere which i install after scene 1 finishes and before the start of scene 2 where i have included video transitions to create dramatic effects that relates towards the genre.

First: This is where i have created the production name (Galaxis presents) of the crime drama where as you can see the text is in a small bold format where i was aiming for the effect used in modern movies and TV dramas. I have also made the production name title slowly fade after it is revealed and before the title of the programme is displayed  which i did by including key frames and adjusting the opacity.

First: This is where i began developing the title (Eye in the Sky) of the programme where again i was aiming to create a titling sequence that resembles the technique used i most modern movies and TV drama where i have got my inspiration from the 'Person of Interest' title where the important words 'Person' and 'Interest' are highlighted and the word 'of' is in a normal fonts. As you can see in the title of my crime drama i have highlighted the words 'Eye' and 'Sky' in bigger bold capital blue letters which were use to relate towards the genre and to illustrate the meaning of the plot where these words basically mean that the Antagonist has full watch of the whole world after he hacked in the satellite weapon. The words 'In' and 'The' are in small bolder capital letters which are basically side words which make the main words ('Eye' and 'Sky') stand out.

Second: This is where i complete the process of the creation of the titling sequence where i modified the title with a video transition called 'Mosaic' featured in the 'Presents' section under 'Effects' which i use to create that digital effect that makes it relate to the genre and setting of the crime drama as my programme is a sub-genre of crime, thriller, action and Sci-fi and that it takes place in the future.

This is the 'Mosaic' transition being performed

This is the results after the function of the  'Mosaic' transition.

Intro credits creation and modification

This is where i create the intro credits of displaying the names of actors and contributors that have featured in the programme where i have included an extensive use of transitions to reflect towards the genre of the crime drama to create that realistic dramatic effect.


First: This is where i began the creation of each of the  intro credits where i have use a silver metallic font on the text where i have then include bold letters for the names of actors and contributors and then included bold italic letters for the roles of contributors. I was aiming to get a similar effect used in the opening credit sequences of movies and TV dramas in order to make it dramatic and understandable towards the audience and to relate towards the theme and genre of the programme in the process and at the same time to create a more professional approach. 

Second: To finish off  i have applied the same video 'Mosaic' transition i used for the title on to each of the intro credits in order to relate towards the theme and genre of the programme and at the same time to create a more professional and dramatic sequence. 


This is the 'Mosaic' transition being performed

This is the results after the function of the  'Mosaic' transition.


I think i done quite well today as i have accomplished most the of aims i have set myself in today's six hour session as i have become inspired and interested in to finishing off the project for good where i have had the courage and gain the motivation which i have managed to nearly fully complete all of the post-production of my crime drama opening sequence individually. Most of the time i do feel like i have done most of the work and that it is not fair on TC as he did not get any of proof of his contribution towards the project apart from when he worked on the personnel and financial documents and when he filmed the whole of scene 2. However if he did show any interest towards the project and is interactive then i will give him the chance to share the contribution at editing the programme but because of this lack of motivation and interest it has caused many delays which has resulted in me to make a decision on editing the crime drama myself in order to get the grade i am aiming for.

22/05/13: Post-production 

Today i mainly focused on completing the editing of my crime drama opening sequence where i planned to adjust the soundtrack, audio and the improve scene 2 which i hope to complete by the end of today as the programmes as to be distributed this Friday (24/05/13).

Today was quite stressful as TC did not bother to turn up and once again it was all up to me to complete the rest of the editing before the deadline. Unfortunately i faced a delay in the first hour of the session where we had to wait for twenty minutes and that the computers we were using had a poor performance which caused Adobe Premiere to load slowly and on several occasions there were glitches when editing and playing the crime drama where i had no choice but to work on completing my blog diaries. In the second session we had to be moved to another room due to the filming taking place where this time the computers had a better performance which enabled me to edit and amend the crime drama which i did for forty minutes where with a little assistance i improved the ending of the soundtrack where we expanded the 'constant power' transition and then included another 'constant power' transition on to the mobile ring tone sound effect which made both sequences sound smoother which as a result made it look dramatic and realistic. Most of the time i spent completing the blog diaries where i had to finish off applying the screen shots from last Friday's session (17/05/13) which prevented me from improving the sequences in scene 2. I decided to work on media during fifth period where i began to search for two images of computer HUD displays to install on the green screen computers in scene 1 where in the end i have managed to find two images and modified the colour and graphics on Adobe Photoshop which i plan on applying in the crime drama tomorrow.

Amending the soundtrack and the mobile phone ring tone sound effect

This is where i amend and modify the soundtrack and the mobile phone ring tone sound effect. Firstly i have expanded the duration of the 'Constant Power' audio transition at the end of the soundtrack in order for it to sound more smoother before the mobile ring tone sound effect starts which made it effective than before. Secondly i have included a 'Constant Power'  audio transition on the mobile phone ring tone sound effect which made it sound more effective and realistic as it was ringing inside a pocket.

Uploading and modifying the two computer HUD display images

This is where i upload two computer HUD display images from the internet and modify them on Adobe Photoshop which i plan to contribute to the green screen computers in scene 1 during tomorrow.


HUD 1 will be used in the first row of scenes in Scene 1 on the computer screen where it will be in some of the close ups and in two medium long shots that features the Facility Security Guard pointing a gun at Armendariz.

First: This is the HUD 1 image i uploaded from the internet on to Adobe Photoshop.

Second: This is where i have fully modified the image of HUD 1 where i have changed the colour of entire interface layout in to a neon blue colour which will work well with the mise en scene in scene 1 and will reflect towards the genre of the programme.


HUD 2 will only be featured in two scenes in scene 1 which is when Zharkov hacks in to the computer mainframe. HUD 2 will be in two parts where the first part will display the normal interface and the second part will be similar to the first part but will feature text 'Access Granted' across the screen.


First: This is the HUD 2 image i uploaded from the internet on to Adobe Photoshop.

Second: This is where i have fully modified the image of HUD 2 where i have changed the colour of entire interface layout in to a neon blue colour which will work well with the mise en scene in scene 1 and will reflect towards the genre of the programme. This  interface will feature as the first part.

Third: This is where i used the 'Text box' tool on Photoshop where i include the text 'Access Granted' in a bright green colour. This interface will feature as the second part where it will notify the audience that Zharkov has successfully hacked in to the computer mainframe and accessing the satellite weapon.

I think my performance today was slightly creative at improving and developing the sequences, sound effects and the soundtrack of the crime drama. Unfortunately because of the delays i received during the first hour and that i mainly focused on completing my blog diary entries this has prevented me from editing the crime drama which has slightly disrupted the post-production procedure but at least i have very little to edit. In my own opinion i think i will not be seeing TC turning up to any of the sessions where either he is unwell or in other words left sixth form to apparently 'enjoy life' where once again it is up to me to complete the rest of the editing of the crime drama.

23/05/13: Post-Production

Today i decided to work at the media studio during periods 5 and 6 after my General Studies exam where i was aiming to get as much of the editing completed before tomorrow as it was the deadline for distributing the opening sequence of the crime drama.

Today i mainly focused at including the two images on my crime drama which i uploaded from the internet and modified them on Adobe Photoshop during yesterday's session. The process surprisingly took me a full two hours to accomplish when performing the green screen process and especially when adjusting each of the images on the green screens which was time consuming but was definitely worth it as i have manged to complete it. In the process i have managed to create some animations with text appearing on the screens which i modified on Adobe Photoshop and Premiere with accuracy and innovation. I finally had a use for the close up green screens which i filmed during the previous sessions where i have installed them in the opening sequence of scene 1 which extended the duration of the whole crime drama to at least nearly three minutes. From included these green screen chroma key special effects in the crime drama was able to make it look more dramatic and realistic than before which works well with the mise en scene , setting and clearly reflects towards the genre of the programme which i hope will make it understandable towards the audience. In the evening during my spare time i made a decision to include some theme music in the crime drama where i came across one of theme music featured from the James Bond film Casino Royale called 'Unauthorized Access' where i intend on using only the first ten seconds for the first scene of Scene 1.

I think i done quite well today as i had the courage and motivation to accomplish something that i thought i would not where i have showed creativity and accuracy at creating, modifying and installing the computer HUD display images on to the green screens of the computers featured in scene 1. Again TC did not turn up where i have now given up on him and i do not expect him contributing on this project any further which gave me the potential on working on this project individually more efficaciously without him hovering around.

Green screen special effects of scene 1

This is where i install the computer HUD displays in my crime drama on Adobe Premiere which i modified yesterday.

Green screen effect 1

Green screen effect 1 is going to be made up of only two scenes which is the part when the Facility Security Guard points a gun at Armendariz. Below is evidence of me modifying the green screen special effects on part one where i have later repeated  the same process for the second part. 

First: This is where i have selected the required scene to perform the green screen special effect where i then search for the 'Ultra Key' on the 'Effects' bar. 

Second: This is where i have selected and dragged the 'Ultra Key' on to the scene where i then use the 'Eye Dropper' tool on the computer screen to change the colour from green to black.

Third: This where i was still using the 'Ultra Key' where i have used the 'Matte Cleanup' tool to make the whole scree jet black in order to cover up any shading. 


Fourth: finally this is where i have installed the HUD interface image on to the computer screen where i have adjusted the size and positioned it right in the middle of the video and audio duration time lines. 

Green screen effect 2

Green screen effect 2 will be thee close ups of the computer screens with the HUD interfaces displayed with the use of animations such as text appearing where it will feature throughout the beginning and middle of scene 1. 

First: This is where i have selected the required scene to perform the green screen special effect where i then search for the 'Ultra Key' on the 'Effects' bar.
Second: This is where i drag the 'Ultra Key' on to the scene where i have used the 'Eye Dropper' tool to turn the screen from green to black and have then used the 'Matte Cleanup' tool to turn the entire screen in to jet black in order to cover up any shades and highlights.

Third: This is where i have applied the HUD 1 image on to the computer screen.

Fourth: This is where i created the text notification 'Aurora Security Networks Disabled' in bold red capital letters which i later display on the HUD 1 image on the computer screen.
Fifth: This is where i have installed the text notification 'Aurora Security Networks Disabled' which i then made the notification flash three times by duplicating it in to three separate parts in the same length and position them close to each other with a gap between them as seen in the time line.

Sixth: This is where i have applied the HUD 2 image on to the computer screen. This will be used as the first part in the sequence of  HUD 2.

Seventh: This is where i applied the HUD 2 image with the text notification 'Access Granted' displayed on the computer screen. This will be used as the second part in the sequence of HUD 2.

24/05/13: Final Deadline of the Crime drama opening sequence project

Today was the final deadline to distribute the opening sequence of my crime drama where today i mainly focused on competed the rest of editing which i aim to complete before uploading it on to my blog on Blogger and on YouTube. 

Today was quite stressful as i had to edit and amend the difficult parts of the crime drama and once again TC failed to turn up to the session. However i stayed at the Media studio for a full four hours and thirty minutes where i have managed to successfully complete the post-production process of the crime drama. First i focused on amending the dodgy jump cuts in scene 2 where with a little assistance and inspiration i have solved the problem by deleting parts where i then uploaded scenes i filmed before ( on 19/04/13), i extended some of the scenes by increasing the duration and reducing the speed which made the sequence of scene 2 much smoother than before which was a good improvement that made it look more realistically dramatic and more understandable to follow in a professional manner. I made a decision to make changes to the  storyline of the crime drama where i named the government building to 'Aurora' instead of 'Genesis' and have changed the year from 2022 to 2023 instead of 2016 to 2017 in order to make the plot more accurate and professional. I then extended the establishing shot of  the 'Aurora' government facility building at the beginning where i have slowed the panning down where i had to apply the 'Cross Dissolve' video transition and at the same time i had to extend the duration of the city surround sound effects where i re installed the 'Exponential Fade' audio transition. I then included the theme music track 'Unauthorized Access' on to my crime drama at the first scene of scene 1 right after the establishing shot which created that suspense dramatic effect that resembles the technique used in most modern crime/ thriller movies which when well with the mise en scene, theme and genre. Finally i made a decision to make the ending of the opening sequence more effective where i have uploaded an image of a black screen from the internet which i applied after the last scene of Scene 2. As an addition  i made the ending more effective at installing a sound effect called 'Apprehensive' on to the crime drama which i have applied after the last dialogue of the  Mysterious caller on the last scene of Scene 2 and during the black screen image which made the ending sequence look quite dramatically realistic which was definitely a professional way of ending an opening sequence.
Unfortunately i was unable to install the computer graphic HUD effects on the computers in scene 1 as it was displaying a white screen which made the sequence look quite unprofessional. However to solve the solution because my crime drama takes place in the future of 2023 i can say that when someone is using the computer the screen will appear but  if the camera focuses away from the computer it means that screen cannot be  clearly seen from that distance. After reviewing the entire opening sequence of my crime drama i uploaded it on to my blog on Blogger and on my YouTube account.

Amendment of Scene 2 jump cuts

Those jump cuts definitely had to go. This is where i demonstrate on how i have solved the jump cut problem on scene 2 where i have extended the duration of scenes, reduced the speed on scenes and upload some of the scenes of scene 2 that  i have filmed on the 19/04/13. 

First: On the part when David answers the mysterious phone call i have noticed that there were two jump cuts which caused some interruptions and made the scene look quite unprofessional. To simply solve this solution i delete the two parts that caused the jump cuts and extended the first part which has the full dialogue. By doing this i made the scene look realistically dramatic.
Second: As i had to delete the scenes that caused the jump cuts i had problems at meeting the dialogue of the Mysterious Caller (Xavier) where i have came up with a solution of reducing the speed of some  of the scenes which successfully matched the dialogue of the mysterious caller which looked unnoticeable and dramatic.
Third: This is another scene which i had problems with jump cuts in where just like the previous scenes i have repaired i have simply deleted the jump cuts and extended one scene by increasing the duration and reducing the speed. I still had problems with meeting the dialogue of the Mysterious Caller where i solved the solution by copying and pasting one of the repaired sequences with the slower speed and installed it after the scene i was working on.
Fourth: This is where i have extending the duration of the sequence where i made sure that it met with the dialogue of David and the Mysterious Caller right after i have deleted more jump cuts.

Fifth: Last but not least this is where i uploaded a scene from my Scene 2 category on the M Drive where i positioned it in Scene 2 where i made sure it met the dialogue of the Mysterious Caller. After woods for the finishing touched i fixed the colour of the uploaded scene by using the 'Three- Way Colour Corrector' tool and the 'Saturation' tool. 


Installation of black screen image effect

This is where i have uploaded an image of a black screen from the internet and then installed it at the very end of the crime drama just after the last scene of scene 2 for that dramatic and cinematic effect.

Installation of Apprehensive sound effect

This is where i have uploaded a high pitch sound effect named 'Apprehensive' from the audio files on the M Drive which i have installed on the crime drama and positioned it right after the last dialogue of the Mysterious Caller that continues towards the image of the black screen image for that visual cinematic effect to create suspense dramatically which was great for ending one particular scene before unveiling the next on in the storyline.

Installing theme music

This is where i have downloaded the 'Unauthorized Access' Casino Royale soundtrack from the internet where i installed on the crime drama and positioned it at the beginning on scene 1. I was planing on using only the beginning of the theme music where i have shortened the duration and stopped  just before the Facility Security Guard points a gun at Armendariz's head.

Extending and amending establishing shot and transitions

First: This is where i begin by extending the duration off the establishing shot where i have accomplish this by using the 'Opacity' tool to reduce the speed on the panning effect of the skyscraper.

Second: After i have adjusting the extension of the establishing shot i have done the exact same to the city surrounding sound effect where i have then included the audio transition 'Exponential Fade' and the video transition 'Cross Dissolve'.

Change of date and building name notifications

This is were i made slight adjustments to the storyline of my crime drama where i changed the dates to 2022 to 2023 and changed the name of the government military facility to 'Aurora'.

First: I have begun the procedure by changing the name of the government military facility from 'Genesis' to 'Aurora'. I have then changed the year from 2016 to 2022 which i have then repeated for the second part.

Second: Finally this is where i have changed the year from 2017 to 2023 which have then repeated the same process for the fourth part. 

I think today was a great success as i had the inspiration and the motivation to complete the rest of the post-production of my crime drama effectively where i managed to accomplish something that i could not do in the first place which was amending the jump cuts in scene 2. I actually expected that TC would not turn up today  which i was not impressed with as i was the one who mainly contributed towards this project and it was not fair on my to do most of the work when doing the documentation and the editing especially if if gets most of credit from peers.

I must admit that this project has been very stressful for me when organising things for pre-production and post-production especially when i was working with people like TC who do not have the same creative motivation as myself and rather not bother at contributing towards the project and the time when i was looking for actors which has affected the procedure as i have a poor social life. All the delays i have received at working with TC and looking for the actors made me produce a crime drama that was hardly unprofessional in my point of view as i felt we could of done much better as we are now eighteen were we should of accomplished at extending the scenes which we did not unfortunately as most of the scenes i had in mine of doing had to be cut out.  From the experiences that i have faced against this year it has literally put me off the subject of Media where i would not want to do this sort of thing again in the future especially when i have to work with the wrong group of people which was a shame as i had an excellent idea towards this project. 


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