SCP: Inbetweeners ('First day')

   Single Camera Production: Inbetweeners ('First day' S1 E1)

In this article I will be discussing about the very first episode of ‘The Inbetweeners’ ‘First day’ of its format, Genre, the narrative structures and its technical features such as camera, editing, sound and lighting.



The format of ‘The Inbetweeners’ is a drama series. For instance this can clearly been seen as there are three series groups all together that contain six episodes in each installment  This presents that the format of ‘The Inbetweeners’ is a drama series that broadcasts a total of six episodes in each of the three series  on channel E4 regularly each with complete story lines of itself.


The genre of ‘The Inbetweeners’ is a coming of age sitcom comedy drama. For example the episode ‘First Day’ shows the character Will moving in to a new suburban area from the divorce of his parents where he starts at a new sixth form comprehensive.  This suggests that ‘The Inbetweeners’ is a coming of age comedy sitcom as the storyline of ‘First day’ focuses on Will beginning a new life which primarily relates to the target audience of the programme as it relates to the lifestyles of young adults (15-18+) of both genders in socio demographic grades of C1, C2, D and E where the storyline later progresses to Will socializing with other individuals and being humiliated at the same time to create humor  Furthermore this episode also relates to young adult audiences because it resolves the lifestyles of education and social events that relates to the genre of coming and age and the lives of the four teenage friends.

Narrative structure

The Inbetweeners episode ‘First day’ follows the narratives of both single strand and multi stands that are represented realistically throughout the storyline. For example the first part of the episode focuses on Will’s character (single strand) but it then later focuses on Will and his three friends, Simon, Jay and Neil towards the end (multi strand). This demonstrates that the storyline focuses on the single stand narrative of Will because it was the very first episode of the Inbetweeners franchise and that it was used to introduce the character for the audience to relate to. The multi strand narrative that was later used in the episode was used to introduce the three characters that Will be friends in order to; again relate towards the audience. However these narratives where used to introduce the different personalities and characteristics of each of the four characters realistically which relate to the current lifestyles of teenagers their own age and the target audience of the sitcom.

The ‘First day’ episode of the Inbetweeners is a linear narrative as the storyline follows Todorov’s Theory along with a closed ending.  For instance the beginning shows the equilibrium of Will which then turns straight into the disequilibrium as he moves to a new house on a suburban street and starts a new sixth form which he is unfamiliar with. The new equilibrium is where Will befriends his three new friends after the pub incident and getting used to his new life at home and at sixth form (closed ending).  This suggests that Inbetweeners ‘First day’ is presented in a linear narrative as the storyline is in chronological order that follows the theory of Todorev in to the sequence. Although in the beginning of the episode the equilibrium was presented in the single stand of Will as it was mentioned in to his commentary dialogue before the first scene which represents the disequilibrium of his character. The closed ending narrative in ‘First day’ was used to conclude the storyline until the next episode in order to keep the audience engage and interested to the series.

Technical features


In ‘First day’ of the Inbetweeners there is the use of the camera establishing shot along with a high angle shot to represent the location and Will’s character.  For example in the beginning of the programme there is an establishing shot with an high angle shot of the sixth form from above which shows the main entrance where Will walks through. This demonstrates that the producers combined the establishing shot and the high angle shot together in order to represent a new scene that introduces the features of the sixth form in order to create realistic and dramatic effects to represent the mise en scene of an educational institute. Furthermore these shots were also used to introduce Will’s first appearance into the episode and to create the dramatic and realistic effects of Will’s position as these shots where used to show the vulnerability of the character as he has just started a new sixth form. However the establishing and high angle shots where used to relate towards the target audience of the programme as it presents the sixth form as an educational institution and the vulnerability of Will which perfectly establishes a new scene.

Later in the episode of ‘First day’ of the Inbetweeners a close up shot along with a POV shot was featured in the programme. For instance there is a scene where Carli (Simon’s love interest) kneels in to smell the aftershave of Simon where he catches a glimpse of her cleavage. This suggests that the producers combined together the close up shot and the POV shot in order to represent the point of view of the character Simon in order to create the use of dramatic and realistic effects that is relevant to the genre as it is a coming of age show due to the sexual references which specifically relates to the target audience of the programme as is made up of young adults.



The Inbetweeners episode ‘First day’ there is the use of the continuity editing of reverse shots between the conversations of two characters. For instance in the scene where Will jokes about Mr Gilbert who his stood behind without realising a reverse shot was used to show the short awkward conversation between the two characters. This illustrates that the use of the reverse shots where used in order to represent the conversation between the two characters right after when Will makes a try to be humorous by making jokes about the head of sixth form which instead backfires creating that realistic and dramatic effect that represents one of those real life awkward situation which in an exchange creates comedy for the audience with the use of the high angle shot to make Will look stupid.


In the Inbetweeners episode of the ‘First day’ there is the use of non-diegetic sounds of the commentary made by Will. For instance the character Will makes his own commentary mentioning about the divorce of this parents, moving house and sixth form and meeting other people like Simon, Jay, Neil and Mr Gilbert. This suggests that the non-diegetic sounds used in the beginning and throughout the programme is presented as the commentary as this technique is used by Will who is also the narrator of the programme to reflect on the circumstances of his everyday life he comes across at home, at sixth form and when he is venturing on day/night outs with his three mates. Furthermore the use of the commentary technique works similarly as a bibliography of Will as he tells the story about his lifestyle relates to current lifestyles of young adults who are the target audience of the programme which is relevant to the genre as the Inbetweeners is a coming of age drama.

The ‘First day’ episode of the Inbetweeners features the use of diegetic sounds particularly the dialogue between characters where explicit language is being used. For example when Will starts the sixth form he has been called names like “briefcase w*****” and his friends complement the physical appearance of his mum using sexual language. This shows that the use of explicit language used within this episode as part of the dialogue and diegetic sounds of the conversation between the characters was used to establish dramatic and realistic effects that resembles the actual current lifestyles of teenagers as the programme itself is a coming of age drama that reflects towards its target audience.



The lighting that is used in the Inbetweeners episode ‘First day’ reflects to the mise en scene of the theme and genre of the programme. For example the pub has high key colour grading with warm colours combined shown by the warm orange colours. This illustrates that the producers included high key lighting combined with warm orange colours to make it represent the mise en scene that the location takes place at a pub. However these lighting effects were used in the episode in order to create realistic and dramatic effects for the audience to relate to the establsihment of the pub and towards the genre of coming of age in order to relate the lifestyles of the target audience as the show resolves around the growing up of four teenage male friends who often visit socialable establishments like pubs.

I have basically done my research on The Inbetweeners episode "First day" by watching The Inbetweeners series 1 DVD.

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